Tuesday, December 27, 2011

THE LOVE PYRAMID - Mini Course From The Fulfillment Forum

!±8± THE LOVE PYRAMID - Mini Course From The Fulfillment Forum

Certainly we have found nothing that even remotely takes the place of love in our lives and our relationships with each other, our children, their children and their children's kids. With love, virtually everything falls into place. Without love, nothing fits well into the mosaic of a meaningful life.

Also, after everything else you can say about humans -- after discussing the personality patterns, life-themes, values, attitudes and expectations we write about, we agree with psychological great -- Carl Rogers and with John the Beloved Disciple. There are only two kinds of people in the world. The two are not black and white, rich and poor or even male and female, as much as we appreciate that last arrangement that seems especially created for our benefit.

There are only persons who are capable of loving others and persons who do not love anyone except those who in one way or another contribute something of value to themselves.

A vital factor we must discuss in the beginning is that while the love and sexual intimacy a couple shares is vital to satisfaction, the physical attractions of our youthful years are never enough to carry a man and woman through a life-time. In our FULFILLMENT course, a companion program to this, we have written extensively about existential frustration and alienation that occurs when men and women fail to find a consistent sense of purpose in their lives. We cannot even find happiness by seeking it -- happiness is a fleeting by-product of living a consistently meaningful life. Like sleep during a restless night, the harder we pursue happiness, the faster it flees from us. When we spend our years seeking happiness through pleasure, possessions, prestige and power -- lacking a sense of purpose in our activities and permanence in our relationships, life remains secular and pointless and becomes conflicted with confusion and discouragement. And that is simply too much to expect the sexual relationship of a man and woman to overcome. Humans need more -- we believe that each person requires the crucial support that comes from living a complete life -- that occurs through:

Worshipping devoutly, relating warmly, serving faithfully, learning wisely, persevering bravely and playing enthusiastically.

Unless we develop mature attitudes and high expectations, no marriage can succeed. Most young couples who divorce and put their children under great stress simply abandon their marriages much too soon. There is a great deal to be said for toughing it out through the learning curve, for becoming better partners rather than shopping around for some wonderful and perfect lover who will cater to your every whim. You shall have to become a spiritually maturing person to whom your partner can relate in love and friendship, without becoming your stooge. Hang on until both lovers become more mature along lifes' journey. Actually, in marriage as in most of life, much satisfaction comes from showing up when needed, just being there on time for the people who love you.

A loving couple that matures in faith, hope and love, through grace within the physical, psychological and philosophical aspects of life, will love far more deeply than they did during the simplistic and usually naive sexual urges of youth.


To be at its best, love must mature up through the motivational pyramid shown here. To stop in one of the lower tiers is to limit the joy a person can enjoy in a lasting relationship.

Becoming *** PHILOSOPHICAL *** Purpose/Permanence

Doing *** PSYCHOLOGICAL *** Power/Prestige

Having *** PHYSICAL *** Pleasure/Pain

PHYSICAL LOVE -- (Pleasure/Pain)

Love that is limited to the physical aspects of a relationship is focused largely on arousal, passion and tension release. It makes little difference who the partner is. Any compliant body can be used, for the person is secondary to the pleasure being received by the user. Such physical passion can be shifted from one sexual supplier to another with little or no regret or concern, from one seduction to the next, as Joe Namath boasted when he slept with a thousand women in his first few years of playing professional football. Such a person can go from one prostitute to another, from one singles bar to the next, from a tryst with one lover to a new one. One night stands, sexual fantasies, pornographic movies and books and wily seductions occur within the physical aspects of love. When one person is used for another's pleasure, even if both agree in advance, it is little more than mutual masturbation. If the other person is abused or damaged in the relationship, he or she can be discarded and replaced with no more regret than for a piece of malfunctioning machinery. Many adolescents, in the first wild rush of sexuality, relate to one another at this primitive level. Unfortunately, many adults fail to mature beyond it. They continue romancing, marrying, divorcing and romancing again in a madcap search for a perfect partner, chasing the wild excitement of youth in a stage that needs a lot more stability in order to be satisfying.

Only this morning as this chapter is being written, we attended the funeral of a friend who made a great deal of money through his knowledge and energy. Donald Knopf was as hard a worker as we've ever known, not only for himself but for the poor and needy of the community. He gave an enormous amount of time and money to helping people with problems. Nevertheless, as his friends and relatives filled the front pews, we've never seen such a complex mix of brothers and sisters, half sisters and brothers, cousins, in-laws and former wives in our lives. At the age of fifty-five Don was still falling in and out of love like a teenager, still drifting from one woman to the next, giving her several children before falling out of love and seeking a better partner. He never did think in terms of becoming a better husband and father rather than wanting a perfect lover who would let him feel the sexual excitement of youth again. He never matured into the second and third tier of a loving relationship and if he enjoyed a long succession of sexual partners, his dozen children from several families have had a difficult time growing up without a father.

PSYCHOLOGICAL LOVE -- (Power/Prestige)

In this aspect of a relationship, physical arousal, pleasure and satiation occurs as in the physical but the affection doesn't stop there. This is a deeper relationship that binds lovers together as they mature through the more complex needs and activities of adult love. The lovers not only desire one another for what each offers, but both have a deeper investment in the other's health and happiness. They trust each other with their egos, because loving another person makes you vulnerable as well as calling up protective feelings. This is the level at which many good marriages and love affairs function, especially in the more mellow middle years and while the lovers do care deeply about each other, they may still have difficult times. After all, while you and your lover love each other, differences of opinion and a variety of needs remain. Few couples never quarrel just because they love one another. Jard knew two young people who lived together as lovers without making the final commitment of marriage. Mildred was a graduate student in psychology and Henry an executive in a huge corporation. She said, when she was being offered a teaching and research job in a distant university:

I love Harry, I really do, but he cannot leave town with me. Changing companies now would cost him a vice-presidency at 3 M and I cannot ask for that. But then, I cannot see that my research and teaching about childhood learning is any less importance to society than selling glue and sandpaper. If I insisted he come to Columbus, he's soon resent me and If I turned down my offer there to stay here with him, I'd soon feel I'd given up too much after having worked so hard for my doctorate. I have to be true to my own vision of a fulfilling life.

Millie and Harry flew back and forth for a year or so but eventually drifted apart and met and married other lovers. Perhaps it was just as well they found someone else, for their careers meant more to them when they separated than the relationship.

PHILOSOPHICAL LOVE -- (Purpose/Permanence)

This third aspect of love includes the passion from the physical and the sense of belonging from the psychological as it continues to include crucial spiritual elements of a lasting love relationship. The lovers have matured beyond the limitations of psychological games that cause pain to become tender and compassionate. They live with a lasting sense of purpose and permanence in the affair for they know they belong together for life. The lovers support each other against all attackers; see the relationship as being spiritual and having mystical overtones. There is neither a desire to find a substitute sexual partner nor a determination to play a dominance game through which the lover is manipulated and used. Such a love affair has taken on a lovely patina of faith, hope and love as well as grace, a glow that is shared in mutual satisfaction. The development of love at this level takes time, although for many it comes long before the later stages of one's life. The whirling of two eccentric personalities around different centers of gravity sooner or later abraid a loving fit although for some time it may include considerable smoke and flying sparks!

To best focus your love in the philosophical aspects of life, mature as a person and behave as a loving soul:

BECOME WARM AND ACCEPTING OF YOUR LOVER -- Perceive the other as a viable and independent personality rather than as a second rate appendage to yourself.

BECOME ENCOURAGING AND SUPPORTIVE OF KEY CHOICES -- Help your lover become more and more knowledgeable and wise about life's opportunities.

BECOME TOLERANT OF LIFE'S INEVITABLE GROWTH FRICTION -- No two persons ever mature at the same rate - one will grow, causing tension and only later will the other catch up.

It's common for psychologists and counselors to recommend we accept the people we love for what they are. However, that isn't good enough for by accepting them as they already are, we may be condemning them to mediocrity. We must accept the persons we help for what they have the potential to become. Don't nag, of course, but help others mature consistently through the channels of fulfillment. Your spouse, your children and your friends and relatives deserve this of you.

Always accept the fact that you can control only one half of a relationship, your half, while your lover controls his or her half. Trying to control another adult's half is a quick step to a relationship disaster for no individual worthy of love and respect will let a neurotic control freak dominate themselves, their children and their choices.


The only way two lovers can agree all the time is when one them stops thinking.

The only way to keep an accepting lover is to become an accepting lover.

The fact that we disagree and occasionally quarrel doesn't mean we are not in love.

Two people in the very elastic harness of marriage seldom mature at the same rate and that spells trouble in many relationships. A woman who's been a secretary for twenty years and comes home one evening to announce she's been accepted in a law school program is rocking her family's boat. So is the middle manager who informs his kids, attending an exclusive and expensive private school, that he's taking a year off work to write a novel, that they'll have to attend a public school and stop buying designer clothes.

Growth friction can be compared to movement between the earth's great tectonic plates. The silent, hidden movement can be so slow as to remain invisible for a long time although stresses keep building. Finally, the pressures become greater than the resistance and the landscape lurches into motion as an earthquake. Sometimes windows are broken and crockery smashed. Some long-standing buildings cannot take the strain and they collapse. Just as many marriages do when the relationship cannot stand the changes occurring in them because the lovers mature at different speeds and in different directions.


To discover the level of your love for another person, physical, psychological or philosophical, in the pleasure/pain, power/prestige or purpose/permanence aspects of existence, complete this project.

FIRST -- Relax comfortably in a chair or on a bed.

Visualize in your mind the image of the person you now love or most recently loved in an adult relationship. Think of the reasons you loved this person, recall his or her good points in the physical, psychological and philosophical aspects of life. Fix the image of that lover firmly in your mind.

SECOND -- Accept the fact or a terrible tragedy.

Through an automobile accident or an unexpected illness, your lover dies suddenly. He or she is gone - there's no doubt about it. You are left alone. Accept your loss, mourn it deeply, feel frustration and anger but in time you realize you must continue living. There is your job to do and children to love, friends to support -- so you start adapting despite the deep loss.

THIRD -- Receive a great gift from God.

Through the remarkable science of cloning, God offers you a perfect double of that dear, lost lover. The clone is perfect in every detail. He or she looks talks and thinks like the lover, makes love the same way and supports you in the same manner. He or she wants your support also.

There is only one catch in your miracle. You and your newly restored lover didn't share the mutual experiences and relationships you had in the past. Both the good and the bad are missing from the relationship you and your original lover shared. You are starting at square one now.

NOW -- To identify the level at which your current love is operating, transfer your love to the newly cloned lover. Tell how you shall do that.

If you can readily transfer your love to the new lover, your love is operating at the pleasure/pain or physical level.

If your love can be transferred with some new experiences and a growing relationship, it is functioning at the power/prestige or psychological level.

If your love cannot be transferred without an entire galaxy of mutually satisfying experiences, your love is currently at the purpose/permanence or the philosophical level.

THE LOVE PYRAMID - Mini Course From The Fulfillment Forum

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cohesion XP 2.1 Gaming Chair with Audio

!±8± Cohesion XP 2.1 Gaming Chair with Audio

Brand : Cohesion | Rate : | Price : $69.99
Post Date : Dec 09, 2011 07:10:06 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Gaming chair; made to be used while you're playing video games
  • Has two wired receiver audio speakers built into the chair
  • Also equipped with volume control and in/out headphone jacks
  • Lightweight and comfortable
  • Meets or exceeds all Consumer Product Safety Commission standards

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Cohesion XP 2.1 Gaming Chair with Audio

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Great Escape

Come enjoy a Great Escape in this wonderful custom built two bedroom two bath log cabin. Located with in walking distance of Pigeon Forge, this unique log home offers a fully equipped kitchen, satellite TV, VCR, DVD player, indoor Jacuzzi tub, outdoor Hot Tub, large game area with pool table and foosball table, two bedrooms each with queen beds, a Queen sleeper in the living area and a futon in the game area allowing this cabin to sleep 8, washer and dryer, two covered deck areas with rocker chairs to relax in and much more. If a Great Escape to the Great Smoky Mountains is what you are looking for, look no further. Located just seconds from downtown Pigeon Forge and close to all the action. Dining, shopping, great shows and much more. Walk to the Fun Time Trolley stop and catch a ride to all your favorite attractions, Dollywood, Dixie Stampede and more.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lumisource BM-PULSE Boom Video Game Chair, Black

!±8± Lumisource BM-PULSE Boom Video Game Chair, Black

Brand : LumiSource | Rate : | Price : $159.99
Post Date : Nov 30, 2011 14:28:55 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Finish:Black/Red/Silver Surround yourself in the video games, music, and movies you love with the Boom Chair! Features a pair of 3' 2-way speakers, a 4' subwoofer, interactive vibration motors, wireless connection, rugged canvas surface with breathable padded mesh comfort zones, as well as an adjustable headrest. Adjustable vibration, volume and bass/treble. Folds for convenient storage. Easily hooks up to any video game system, DVD or CD player, or any portable MP3 device.

More Specification..!!

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Wobble Boards for Kids

!±8± Wobble Boards for Kids

The main aim of using a balance board is to improve proprioception, this is our sense and awareness of the position of our body parts. Having good proprioception helps to reduce the risk of injury. Balance boards can also be used by both adults and children to help improve core strength, balance and flexibility.

Performing balance board exercises has been proven to help children with coordination and behavioural problems. Improvements have been seen in rhythm, auditory and visual processing, and motor coordination in children struggling with sensory challenges and similar medical complications. In trying to maintain your balance whilst using a balance board the body's sensory system is trained by forcing the brain and body to focus on remaining stable in a difficult situation, meaning both halves of the brain have to work together.

There are several different types of balance boards available. The most common are round boards that sit atop an adjustable dome in the centre. They mainly vary in size and material, although rocker boards (square in shape) and wobble cushions are also available and work in a very similar way.

Adjustable wobble boards are ideal for children as they can be altered to give various tilt angles, enabling children to start with a gentle tilt and then increase the difficulty as they progress.

Exercises can be carried out whilst standing, sitting or kneeling on the board. Training can begin with simple rocking from side to side, backwards and forwards, and rotating in circular movements. Parents can get involved by making a game out of trying to see who can stay upright the longest without the edges of the board touching the ground. Difficulty can be added by trying to get the child to pass a bean bag from hand to hand or throwing the bean bag at a target whilst balancing on the board. There really are endless ways in which these products can be used to improve a child's balance, flexibility and core strength. Incorporating the exercises into a game is the best way of keeping the child's attention and encouraging regular use.

To maintain absolute safety ensure the board has a non slip surface and the child is bare foot or wearing trainers when using the board. The board is best placed on a carpet or rug as hard surfaces are liable to slip. A strong adult should stay close by to spot the child as the exercises are performed in case they lose their balance.

Wobble Boards for Kids

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

History of the Rocking Horse

!±8± History of the Rocking Horse

Whenever I think of rocking horses I immediately picture a classic spring mounted Victorian horse, but toy horses have been around for much long, dating back as far as the Egyptians.

The earliest English toy horses were not rockers, they had a round barrel body and were mounted on four wheels. If the child's legs reached the floor they could propel themselves along. The children would mimic the jousting contests held during medieval times. Simple hobby horses, with stuffed heads mounted on a broomstick, were also popular for centuries.

The first actual rocking horses, mounted on a bow shaped rocker, appeared during the seventeenth century. The earliest example is a crude elm and soft wood horse dated about 1610 and reputed to have belonged to Charles 1. This rare horse is now housed in the V & A Museum of Childhood in London. Over a period of time bow shaped rockers became more elaborate and realistic in appearance . The carved wood was covered with gesso, rubbed down to a smooth finish, painted and then fitted with full harness and saddle. Wealthy families would use these horses to train their children to ride.

Rocking horses became very popular during the 19c when Queen Victoria was very taken by a grey dappled horse manufactured J. Collinson of Liverpool in 1851, fuelling the desire of many middle class families to own one. This is the design that most people envisage when they think of rocking horses.

Although Europe led the way in the development of the rocking horse, it was an American, J.P.Marqua, who, in 1871 invented a safety stand with the horse suspended on a static frame with swing irons. European manufacturers were quick to recognise the advantages of this design. It removed the danger of the horse tipping over or fingers and toes being trapped under the runners.

With the advent of modern technology it became possible to quickly produce beautifully carved and highly polished wooden horses.

Recently there has been a revival of interest in rocking horses. Specialist companies
are producing horses to rival the finest earlier mounts. Although these cost several thousand dollars, they will undoubtedly become family heirlooms. Of course there are less expensive models using a wide range of materials, from stuffed plush to plastics, and costing as little as 20 dollars. A small price to pay for the hours of pleasure a rocking horse can give.

History of the Rocking Horse

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Friday, November 4, 2011

5 Simple, Effective Steps on How to Deal With Your Crying Child

!±8± 5 Simple, Effective Steps on How to Deal With Your Crying Child

Children cry for a number of reasons to include hunger, anger, fear, anxiety, teething, sickness, and so on. Most often, the child can be provided with a solution that quickly calms the child down, thus stopping the crying. However, for the parent who has one or more children who seem to cry at anything and then will not stop, it is easy to feel frustrated, guilty, hopeless, and even angry.

We have provided five steps on how to stop a crying child, quickly and effectively. Now, keep in mind that the method used will vary depending on the reason for the children crying. Typically, these solutions would apply to a crying child regardless of the reason.

Rocking - Most crying children love to be held. Something magical happens when mom or dad sits down in a rocking chair, holding the child on the lap and then rocking. The back and forth motion of the rocker coupled with the warmth and security of the parent's arms is a great soothing tool. You might even hum or sing softly to your child, creating a sense of comfort and security. Distraction - Sometimes, distracting a crying child will do wonders. For this, you could make a funny face, get out a favorite toy or game, or put a lively movie in the DVD to share. Breaking the crying cycle using distraction usually works quite well. Snacks - Consider offering your child a snack, such as a piece of fruit, a cookie, or some other favorite food. If the child continues to cry, you could even offer to let him or her choose the snack. Sometimes by giving a crying child some power through choice, you see the crying start to diminish. Tickling - Often, children crying are so absorbed in the process of crying that nothing seems to work. In this case, try tickling your child, making light of the situation by laughing and having fun. Many times, the child will come out of the crying mode quickly. Ignore - While this might sound harsh, in some cases, a crying child has become so accustomed to crying to get his or her way that nothing works. Remember, crying is not going to cause your child any harm. You may notice his coloring turning red or a little blue but you can be sure the child is fine. If the child is young, you could place him or her in a crib or playpen, a safe area, and then allow him/her to cry it out but for an older child, you may need to use a time out system, letting the child know that when the crying stops, then he/she can get up to play.

5 Simple, Effective Steps on How to Deal With Your Crying Child

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Alice Cooper Meets Frank Zappa and Shock Rock is Never the Same

!±8± Alice Cooper Meets Frank Zappa and Shock Rock is Never the Same

With a real band in place, they could at last start to make some music. The band switched their name a few times, first they were the Earwigs, then the Spiders, then the Nazz. Finally in 1968, they chose the public name 'The Alice Cooper Band'. Three years later, Vincent legally exchanged his name for Alice Cooper. Some say the name comes from a Ouija board sitting, but Cooper himself says the name popped out of thin air, not from spooks on the other side. It is supposed to invoke the image of a sweet little girl holding a hatchet behind her. It does! Wheresoever the name came from, it was a superb career move both for Alice and the rest of the group!

It wasn't long after the band and Alice's name swap that they were found by Frank Zappa. Zappa was seeking bizarre music acts to add to his new record effort, Straight Records. Alice Cooper was surely bizarre enough and Zappa took them on for a three record deal. The first release, 'Pretties For You' was all but a washout, only hitting #193 for a week on the U.S. Charts. However, they went on to produce their own demented brand of rock 'n roll.

Cooper made a immense impact on the press during an show at the Toronto Rock and Roll Revival performance in 1969. Says Alice, a chicken roamed unexpectedly on to the stage during his performance. He plucked the chicken up, assuming it could fly, and tossed it into the crowd. The fowl landed in the laps of disabled people in wheelchairs sitting in the front. By all accounts, these fans plucked the poor bird to pieces. The press, however, said that Cooper bit the head right off and drank the birds blood. Alice, still then, refuted the allegations, saying it was all a strange accident. The rumors weren't squelched though, and the affair turned into the talk of the music industry.

Cooper was not anything like the denim wearing, long haired hippy bands of the time. These guys put on tight sequined costumes different than anything seen earlier. Their show was dark and threatening, including dramatic mock battles and Gothic torture methods. At the end of the show, Alice would be tortured for his demented ways by being executed. In the beginning, this was done via electric chair, later on it developed into hanging, and then the guillotine. Throughout the 70's, Alice earned more and more credit, both from fans and the music industry.

During the mid 70's, Cooper had made up his mind to follow a solo career. The decision made good sense, but his heavy boozing was beginning to affect his performance. He checked himself into the New York Sanitarium for treatment. His time there was the brainchild for the 1978 album 'From The Inside'. The early 1980's proved to be less than productive for Alice. Although he released several albums, none reached the success of the 1970's.

His alcohol addiction was also taking its toll and he was once again checked in for treatment. For nearly a year, Cooper kept himself away from the spotlight. He concentrated his attentions rather on being a full-time father and working on his golf game. By the mid 80's Cooper was clean, sober, and ready to start rocking again. His 1986 album, 'Constrictor', spawned a tour appropriately named 'The Nightmare Returns'. The last leg of the tour was shot on film in Detroit at the close of October and it is even, to this day, thought of as the definitive Alice Cooper performance film. The rock music press just loved the album, the singles and the stage shows. Cooper was back in all his glory, feeding fans a wild, convoluted view of our world like only he can.

Cooper's iconic stature increased throughout the 90's among fans and other bands. He has worked with several newer generation musicians such as Guns N' Roses and Insane Clown Posse. Plus, he made cameo appearances on 'Freddy's Dead The Final Nightmare' and 'Wayne's World'. As the new century rolled around, Cooper did not slow down at all. In 2000, Alice released 'Brutal Planet', which was a return to Alice's style of rock metal. It was inspired by the brutality of the modern world and featured a raw industrial rock feel. It was a total success and opened Alice up to a whole new generation of fans.

In 2003, the critically acclaimed album, 'The Eyes Of Alice Cooper', was released. The tour that followed was a huge change from Coopers theatrics of the past. The 'Bare Bones' tour featured a less orchestrated performance style, rather focusing on the music. The result is that Cooper's older songs were finally realized for their uniqueness. Alice bore on with this style for his 24th studio release in '05, 'Dirty Diamonds'.

In 2004, 'Nights With Alice Cooper', Alice's radio show began to air. Cooper offers up talks with large rock 'n roll stars and a opportunity to hear strange tunes from famous groups. He also shares tales from his long career and offers up his own unequaled taste of humor in the show.

Will this rocker relax? It does not look like it will happen soon. In spite of turning 60 years old this year, Alice is to this day one of the strongest, most talented rockers out there!

Alice Cooper Meets Frank Zappa and Shock Rock is Never the Same

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Video Game Chairs

!±8± Video Game Chairs

In this article we are going to take a look at the V Rocker eS video game chair. This game chair is manufactured by a company called the Ace-Bayou group. For our purposes we are going to take a closer look at the V Rocker eS model

At first glance the V Rocker kind of looks like a car seat but let me tell you it is not. This video game chair is designed to sit on the floor and enable you the player rock and move with the game. What makes this possible is the solid hardwood and steel construction. Then this frame is covered with fire retardant foam, then it is upholstered in upholstery grade vinyl. This fabric makes it real easy to keep clean.

The V rocker sound chair which is sometimes called a sound rocker is not only well built it offers some real great technical features This game chair features 2.1 surround sound. There are two speakers mounted in the chair at about head level. The sub-woofer is mounted in the back of the chair so you can really feel it! This sound system is boasted to be 80 watts of sound. The controls for this system ate conveniently located on the side. This control panel features volume and bass controls as well as input and output jacks not to mention as well as a headphone jack. To let you know it is working the chair has a LED power indicator.

Staying with a technical theme this video game chair can connect to just about any gaming system that might be out there. You can also plug your personal audio listening devices. It is real simple to do just plug it into the chair, have the chair powered on then listen, it is as simple as that. The chair comes almost completely assembled with instructions.

What room or rooms can I use this game chair in? The answer to that is almost any room.It is great in the living-room,the bed-room or game-room. The V Rocker is also easy to transport so it can be moved from home to the dorm room One more great feature is the ergonomic design with full back support for those long sessions with yore favorite game. No more need to go from the couch to the floor then back to the couch. With this chair you can stay comfortable in one spot for long periods.

The V Rocker eS is not one of those high priced game chairs even with all the great features it goes for .00 Cdn. Now. that is a pretty good deal for what you get!

Video Game Chairs

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